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Alzheimer’s in the Elderly and The Effect it Takes on The Family

By Heather Brown
July 08, 2015

In American health, Alzheimer’s is a very debilitating disease that causes devastating changes in the brain. These abnormal changes can cause memory loss and behavioral changes. As the patient’s disease progresses they will lose a sense of who they are and the life they have lived. This can be very hard to accept and deal with. ...

Finding Reliable Foster Caregivers

By Heather Brown
July 06, 2015

Staffing shortages happen. Let’s face, if you’re in the adult foster care field you have dealt with more than your fair share of staffing issues. Staffing shortages create stress and potentially hazardous conditions for both clients and caregivers. As an administrator, you do your very best to create an environment that helps maintain staff. But, ...

Being a Caregiver to Your Husband

By Heather Brown
July 03, 2015

Care-giving is one of the most stressful and demanding roles that a person can take on. When women become the caregivers for their husbands, they face extra challenges. Women often look to their husbands to be the head of the family and the primary source of financial support. What happens when a husband becomes physically and financially dependent on his wife? ...

Way to Prevent Dehydration in Elders

By Heather Brown
July 01, 2015

Dehydration during the hot summer months is a risk for any age, but it’s important to realize just how serious this health condition can be for the elderly. Senior dehydration is a very common health issue that can lead to bigger adverse health effects such as low blood pressure or urinary tract infections. The elderly ...