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How to Help Your Residents and Their Families Avoid Scams

By Tangram Insurance Services
August 07, 2023

Many of your residents are vulnerable to scams that could drain their bank accounts. According to Consumer Affairs, each year, more than 3.5 million older adults are victims of financial exploitation, costing them more than $3 billion. Knowledge about common scams and red flags can help seniors avoid becoming the next victim. Educate Your Residents ...

Overcoming Senior Loneliness: Help Your Residents Thrive

By Tangram Insurance Services
July 10, 2023

The United States is experiencing an epidemic of loneliness and isolation, and seniors are particularly vulnerable. Loneliness in senior housing facilities can have a significant impact on both mental and physical health, but residential care facilities can take steps to help residents overcome loneliness. The Loneliness Epidemic The U.S. Surgeon General recently issued an advisory ...

General & Professional Liability: Which Do You Need?

By Tangram Insurance Services
June 27, 2023

Liability insurance protects your adult residential care facility against potentially expensive lawsuits. To make sure you’re well protected, you usually need multiple types of coverage, including both general and professional liability insurance. What Is General Liability Insurance? The Insurance Information Institute says commercial general liability insurance provides protection against financial loss if your business is ...

Why Homeowners Insurance Isn’t Sufficient for Your Residential Care Facility

By Tangram Insurance Services
June 13, 2023

Your residents think of your care facility as home, but homeowners insurance does not provide you with sufficient coverage. To secure appropriate coverage for your risks, you need commercial property insurance. What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover? The Insurance Information Institute says a standard homeowners insurance policy typically provides four types of coverage: Coverage for the ...

How Nurse Triage Could Lower Your Work Comp Insurance Costs

By Tangram Insurance Services
May 23, 2023

The average workers’ compensation claim costs $41,353, according to the National Safety Council. Frequent and severe claims can increase your experience modification factor (Ex-Mod) and drive up your workers’ compensation premiums. A nurse triage service can help you manage your claims and lower your workers’ compensation insurance costs.  Expert Advice When You Need It  How ...

Choosing an Insurance Broker for Your Adult Residential Care Facility

By Tangram Insurance Services
May 02, 2023

Running an adult residential care facility involves risks. You work hard to keep your residents and employees safe – and you need an insurer who will work just as hard to protect your business against losses. When choosing a broker for your adult residential care facility insurance, look for a partner with industry expertise, tailored ...

Check for Liability Sub-Limits on Your Senior Living Facility Coverage

By Tangram Insurance Services
April 25, 2023

In the event of a lawsuit, your adult living facility will rely on its liability insurance coverage. However, many insurance providers are adding sub-limits on senior living facility coverage for common loss events. These lower limits mean you may lack the coverage you need in the event of litigation. What Are Sub-Limits? In insurance, a ...

Prevent Falls at Your Senior Care Facility

By Tangram Insurance Services
April 11, 2023

For older adults, falls are a major risk. Although some falls may be unavoidable, good safety practices can reduce the risk. Keep the residents at your senior care facility safe by taking some key steps to prevent falls. A Single Fall Can Be Devastating The CDC says falls are a serious and costly problem. Falls ...

The End of COVID-19 PHE: Impact on Residential Care Facilities

By Tangram Insurance Services
March 28, 2023

After three long years, the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) is finally coming to an end. Although this does not mean the virus has been eradicated, it does mean certain temporary policies put in place during the pandemic will be sunsetting. Some of the changes brought about by the end of the COVID-19 PHE will ...

Why Assisted Living Facility Documentation Matters

By Tangram Insurance Services
March 21, 2023

Your assisted living facility is being sued. The lawsuit alleges that you failed to take necessary precautions to keep a resident safe. You know that isn’t true – but can you prove it? Documentation will make or break your case. To prepare for scenarios like this, you need to train your team on assisted living ...