To our colleagues at adult residential care facilities – Some of you have mentioned that it would be helpful to receive content that you can share with residents’ families through your website and newsletter. This article is designed for that purpose. Feel free to copy and paste it into your own communications as you see ...
For many residents, finding a home in an assisted living facility gives them the opportunity to maintain their independence. But, needs change, especially as residents age. A resident that was once extremely mobile may suffer a fall and need to use a walker to navigate the halls. Another common change in older residents is forgetfulness ...
Dementia is a biological brain disorder that impacts memory, cognitive thinking, communication skills, and makes it difficult for individuals to care for themselves. Families often look to expert caregivers like you for direction, and they trust you to care for their loved ones when they cannot. As a caregiver, you understand the heartache that comes ...
Individuals that suffer from Dementia are often placed in the care of an adult residential care homes to receive assistance with their daily needs. The aggressive disease directly impacts individuals’ cognitive state and over time can be detrimental to their memory. Finding a cure for Dementia has been an ongoing battle for researchers for years. ...
Any caregiver or family member that works with dementia or Alzheimer’s residents knows one thing about mealtimes – they are unpredictable. Alzheimer’s and dementia residents are often known to refuse to eat, ignore their food, become distracted, forget how to eat or struggle with chewing. This makes meal time not enjoyable for all parties including ...
Memory care is growing niche in the adult care industry. According to The National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the elder population. As an owner or administrator of an adult residential care home, you are already seeing the need for memory care rise. As the needs of potential ...
Adult residential care home owners have a great responsibility in providing quality care to the residents in their home. Residential care settings offer different types of care from independent living to assistance with daily living tasks. During their time in the home, the residents quickly become extended members of the provider’s family. Developing family-type bonds ...
Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Do You Know the Difference? Dementia is not a single disease. Rather it includes a number of different conditions with different causes, including Alzheimer’s disease, a shared collection of symptoms common to these disorders, usually in the elderly. Dementia symptoms • Memory problems, especially short term memory loss • Increasing difficulty communicating, finding words • Progressive ...
Eating for optimal brain health is one of the best things that people can do to reduce the risk of dementia. Maintaining a healthy diet overall will limit the likelihood of developing high blood pressure, clogged arteries, diabetes and other issues that limit the flow of blood to the brain, overwhelm the body and make people ...
The Progression of Dementia and Personality Changes Dementia is a condition that most of us fear, the state of progressive loss of function and abilities. The commonest form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which affects more than 5 million Americans, the vast majority of whom are over age 65. By 2025 there will be more ...