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Looking to Expand: What You Need to Know

By Heather Brown
October 21, 2016

There is a significant need for quality adult residential care facilities. That need won’t be decreasing with the vast baby boomer population needing care options. Many adult residential care facility owners recognize this need. They look for ways to expand their services and provide quality care for more members of their community through adding locations, ...

Risk Management Tools: The Proper Use

By Heather Brown
September 30, 2016

Adult residential care facilities face numerous risks on a daily basis – falls, medication administration errors, elopements, etc. Ignoring these potential risks places adult residential care facilities at risk for lawsuits, decreased reputation, and loss of residents. Risk management tools are highly utilized by many businesses to minimize risk – including adult residential care facilities. ...

New Residents: Are You Prepared?

By Heather Brown
June 10, 2016

Bringing new residents into your assisted living facility can be a daunting task for administrators.  Being sure that you are gathering all the information up front about your potential residents, can be the key to determining if you are able to offer them the level of care they need in their daily living. A few ...