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6 Steps to Fire Safety Training in Your Adult Residential Care Facility

By Heather Brown
September 02, 2016

Fires are unpredictable and occur in the blink of an eye. Common fire starters include faulty wiring, wildfires, and human error. When they happen – they bring destruction, stress, chaos, and sometimes injury and death. According to FEMA, older adults are 2.5 times more likely to die as a result of a fire than other ...

The Importance of Communication Logs

By Heather Brown
August 26, 2016

Communication is the foundation of a solid and meaningful relationship. Assisted living facility providers and administrators hold a significant communication responsibility. You care for residents on a daily basis. Many times, those residents have family members that check in on them and their care regularly. Communicating with family members is vital to building relationships and ...

Memory Care: How to Make Your Residents Feel At Home

By Heather Brown
July 29, 2016

Memory care is growing niche in the adult care industry. According to The National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the elder population.  As an owner or administrator of an adult residential care home, you are already seeing the need for memory care rise.  As the needs of potential ...

Prepare for Hurricanes

By Heather Brown
July 22, 2016

June 1st marked the first day of hurricane season. If you are an adult residential care home or facility located in a hurricane zone, it is important that you prepare for hurricanes now. Hurricanes bring high winds, a great amount of rainfall, and wreak havoc on the communities they hit. Areas prone to high hurricane ...

3 Keys to Successfully Relocating a Resident

By Heather Brown
July 15, 2016

Adult residential care home owners have a great responsibility in providing quality care to the residents in their home. Residential care settings offer different types of care from independent living to assistance with daily living tasks.  During their time in the home, the residents quickly become extended members of the provider’s family. Developing family-type bonds ...

Understand Your Property Insurance Options

By Heather Brown
July 08, 2016

Small adult residential care homes or facilities are often found in residential houses. Many adult care home owners have the belief that a homeowner’s insurance policy is adequate coverage.  This assumption is not accurate. Many owners do not realize this until they try to file a property insurance claim and it is denied! Why?  Homeowner’s ...

What Your Family Should Look for When Looking for a Caregiver

By Heather Brown
August 19, 2015

Sometimes love ones become ill or injured unexpectedly. This leaves you hunting for a caregiver to help care for them until they become well again. When searching for the right one there are some things your family needs to look out for before hiring. After all, you want the one you love to receive the best ...

5 Signs of Alzheimer’s Before Memory Loss

By Heather Brown
March 18, 2015

Alzheimer’s disease occurs is the elderly typically before the age of 65. Knowing the signs, before Alzheimer’s occurs can help with early treatment to help slow down the development of the disease so you or a love one can live as long as possible with as much memory and quality to life as possible.  1. ...

Avoid Skin Breakdown at Your Assisted Living

By Heather Brown
March 16, 2015

As an administrator of a personal home care facility, assisted living facility or adult family homes, you might have seen signs of skin breakdown in most if not all of your clients. Old people and incapacitated individuals stand the highest risks of getting skin breakdowns. This is because they rarely move or they spend the better ...

Signs of Wandering Behavior in Residents

By Heather Brown
March 11, 2015

Every 6 in 10 patients suffering from some form of dementia will wander. This is because most of them are disoriented in some way, and cannot remember who they are or where they live making it difficult for them too find their way back to where they are suppose to be. Catching the early signs ...