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6 Ways to Help Residents Be Open to New Things

By Heather Brown
September 09, 2016

Individuals move into assisted living facilities to gain assistance with daily living activities while maintaining a quality of life they can be proud of. Moving and relocating is stressful for many residents. Some residents will embrace their new home and try new things – meal options, communicating with others or new activities. Others will shy ...

Memory Care: How to Make Your Residents Feel At Home

By Heather Brown
July 29, 2016

Memory care is growing niche in the adult care industry. According to The National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the elder population.  As an owner or administrator of an adult residential care home, you are already seeing the need for memory care rise.  As the needs of potential ...

3 Keys to Successfully Relocating a Resident

By Heather Brown
July 15, 2016

Adult residential care home owners have a great responsibility in providing quality care to the residents in their home. Residential care settings offer different types of care from independent living to assistance with daily living tasks.  During their time in the home, the residents quickly become extended members of the provider’s family. Developing family-type bonds ...

What Your Family Should Look for When Looking for a Caregiver

By Heather Brown
August 19, 2015

Sometimes love ones become ill or injured unexpectedly. This leaves you hunting for a caregiver to help care for them until they become well again. When searching for the right one there are some things your family needs to look out for before hiring. After all, you want the one you love to receive the best ...

Finding Reliable Foster Caregivers

By Heather Brown
July 06, 2015

Staffing shortages happen. Let’s face, if you’re in the adult foster care field you have dealt with more than your fair share of staffing issues. Staffing shortages create stress and potentially hazardous conditions for both clients and caregivers. As an administrator, you do your very best to create an environment that helps maintain staff. But, ...

Being a Caregiver to Your Husband

By Heather Brown
July 03, 2015

Care-giving is one of the most stressful and demanding roles that a person can take on. When women become the caregivers for their husbands, they face extra challenges. Women often look to their husbands to be the head of the family and the primary source of financial support. What happens when a husband becomes physically and financially dependent on his wife? ...

How To Improve Organizational Success

By Heather Brown
June 22, 2015

American health among the elderly is of growing concern.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau-by the year 2050, senior citizens will make up 21% of America’s population. The concern is not that people are living longer-the concern is will American health standards be able to meet the growing medical needs of those who will need 24-7 medical attention ...

10 Tips for the Caring Caregiver

By Heather Brown
June 17, 2015

As a caregiver,  your duty is to make sure your loved one is treated with respect, dignity, and kept safe.  Whether you’re the sole caregiver, or you’re providing care to someone with the help of assisted living, being a caregiver can be an overwhelming position.  Here are some tips to make this meaningful job a ...

Does Your Caregiver Need A Break?

By Heather Brown
May 11, 2015

Caregivers will go through many emotions during their job of caring for someone dependent on them. Caring for someone every day is an extremely demanding situation and will take its toll on you both mentally and physically. If you do not take care of yourself, you will not be healthy enough to provide care for ...