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PCH Joins MemoryWell to Facilitate Connection and Well-Being

By Julie Bordo
March 15, 2021

“Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued,” writes author, podcaster and TedTalk star, Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW. Studies have linked human connection and social support to well-being and longevity. When people move into a long-term care setting they are worried the connections they have made will fray ...

The Vaccine Quandary: Addressing Conflicting Thoughts on the COVID-19 Vaccine in Long-Term Care Facilities

By Julie Bordo
March 03, 2021

Long-term care (LTC) facilities have very clear business reasons to require that all staff and residents get vaccinated for COVID-19. Your residents are in the high-risk category for the virus. Nearly 40% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are LTC facility residents. LTC staff have also suffered disproportionately. You and your staff are in close ...

Loss of Business Income & Extra Expense – Don’t wait until it’s too late!

By Jaime Patane
March 18, 2019

When it comes to caring for residents in an adult residential care facility, most administrators will say some days go as planned and some don’t. It is nearly impossible to predict every misstep that might occur. The best thing any adult residential care facility can do is to implement procedures to minimize risk and make ...

Protect your Residential Care Facility from Ransomware Attacks

By Jaime Patane
March 06, 2019

Cyber criminals or hackers target organizations to steal sensitive data about the company, supporters, and customers. Historically, when individuals think about criminal cyber activity, they assumed only large for-profit organizations were at risk. That is no longer the case as criminals look for organizations that have minimal IT support and valuable, sensitive data – two ...

Special Event Insurance and Why You May Need It

By Jaime Patane
October 01, 2018

Residential Care Facilities that offer special gatherings, banquets, resident carnivals, or other events may require additional insurance coverage. Special Events insurance is designed to offer protection to the event sponsor, holder, or vendor for bodily injury or property damage. These types of policies are written for the specific location, date, and time of the event. ...

The Benefits of Random Drug Testing Employees in Assisted Living Facilities

By Jaime Patane
September 11, 2018

With the growing epidemic of prescription medication abuse in our country, drug screening has become an essential part of the hiring process for Adult Residential Care Facilities. It is important to make sure that the people who work at these facilities have no history of criminal behavior or current substance abuse problems that can put ...

The Importance of Providing Activities at your Assisted Living Facility

By Jaime Patane
August 24, 2018

Activities are an essential element of the day to day life of an Assisted Living Facility. People need to be able to learn, interact, laugh and have fun no matter where they reside. While doing things like playing cards and board games may be fine for a rainy day, Adult Residential Care Homes can, while ...

Florida Lawmakers Require Generators for Assisted Living Facilities

By Heather Brown
July 20, 2018

  Florida lawmakers recently ratified a bill requiring all assisted living facilities (ALFs) to have working generators. Governor Rick Scott originally introduced the requirement for both nursing homes and assisted living facilities. While the nursing home law was passed in February, the assisted living facility requirement was stalled due to concerns about how the increase ...

Announcing PCH’s New Memory Box Initiative

By Heather Brown
March 09, 2018

Memory boxes have always been a way to collect mementos of the things we love most in our lives – ticket stubs to remember an experience, photos of loved ones, and even written text to remember a conversation. Anybody can create their own memory box during any point in their life. Over the years the ...

How to Manage Adult Residential Care Profits

By Heather Brown
August 18, 2017

For your adult residential care facility to see success and continue providing care for residents, you need to make a profit. Profit is a topic not often discussed in adult residential care for two reasons. First, the main goal for many adult residential care owners is to provide quality care for residents; second, some owners ...