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Heat Exhaustion in Seniors

By Heather Brown
August 14, 2015

If you are a caregiver to an older adult, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and to know the ways to prevent it.  Seniors, people aged 65 years and older, are typically more prone to the stress from extreme temperatures than younger people for a number of reasons. For example: Seniors ...

Tips for Settling Into a New Home for Seniors

By Heather Brown
August 12, 2015

Moving into a new home in general is not easy for everyone. It means having to get use to a new living environment and a new community full of people. Moving for the elderly from their home into an assisted living facility or community living area where daily help occurs often by a professional care ...

How to Cope With the Decision

By Heather Brown
August 10, 2015

When Is an Assisted Living Facility Needed for a Family Member? You may be forced to move your loved ones in a nursing home when a sudden change occurs in their life. This usually means having a severe health problem. Such a move can also happen when the older person has the desire of moving ...

How to Keep Your Residents Healthy and Safe on a Hot Summer Day

By Heather Brown
June 19, 2015

With the summer heat soon arriving with extra warming temperatures it is wise to keep a close eye on the elderly in your residential facility since high temperatures can cause potential health risks. If you are in need of some heat busting tips to keep your residents health and safety at the forefront on hot summery days ...

The Use of Power Strips in Patient Care Areas

By Heather Brown
June 10, 2015

The use of power strips in patient care areas has become widespread. If they are not used in the right way they can result in injuries, fines, and citations. Convenience of power strips is undeniable but the hazards that they prevent in assisted care living facility are less known. Power strips that are misused will ...

How Planting Can Help The Elderly

By Heather Brown
June 03, 2015

It is important for everyone, of any age, to be active. The elderly are, of course, no exception, but how can you expect someone who has lost some motor-control or has trouble maintaining balance for long periods of time to be overly active? Gardening may be the answer. Keeping a garden can give your elderly ...

Best Ways To Communicate With Your Residents

By Heather Brown
May 25, 2015

Communication is crucial for effective dealing with people especially where they are relatively powerless and require assistance. In places like personal care homes, assisted living facilities, adult family homes, adult foster homes and residential care facilities, where the owners and administrators need to communicate with their residents, communicate with different ways must be employed to ...

Outdoor Activities For Your Residents

By Heather Brown
May 19, 2015

In a highly litigious society, keeping your elderly residents from slips, trips and falls, is of paramount concern.  When the weather is nicer, your residents often want to feel the sun on the face. Your social activities director, nursing staff, as well as the engineering department need to have a fully developed plan for the manner, ...