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How To Prevent Bedsores In Your Assisted Living Facility

By Heather Brown
May 21, 2023

Bedsores (also called pressure ulcers) are very common in elderly people that are immobilized or bedridden in assisted living care. They are caused by unrelieved pressure on an area of the body, usually the back, buttocks, or hips and they can cause infections, sepsis, loss of muscle, and in some serious cases, death. Fortunately, bedsores ...

The Benefits of Intergenerational Programs

By Heather Brown
January 06, 2017

Aging individuals enjoy watching their families grow and reach new milestones. One of the biggest joys they experience is the arrival of grandchildren. The young and old have a special connection that may offer some significant health benefits. A recent study shows elderly individuals that watch their grandchildren at least once a week experience fewer ...

Ring in the New Year with Your Residents

By Heather Brown
December 30, 2016

Holidays in an adult residential care home can leave some residents feeling lonely and sad. This is especially true when the joys and celebrations of Christmas have ended. Many think celebrating the New Year is for young people to take on the town. In reality, celebrating the New Year is for the young at heart ...

Celebrating the Holidays

By Heather Brown
December 23, 2016

The Christmas holiday is a time for family, giving, and celebration. Some residents find it difficult to embrace the holiday season in an adult residential care home. One recent study found that more than half of residents spend the holiday in the adult residential care home instead of at home with family. Administrators and staff ...

Seven Ways to Keep Resident’s Families Involved

By Heather Brown
November 11, 2016

Families place their loved ones in adult residential care facilities to receive top-notch care and improve their quality of life. Like any major move, the transition to assisted living care is emotional. Families and residents experience anxiety and nervousness about the change, loss of independence and new living arrangements. That is also why adult residential ...

Understanding Mediation & Arbitration

By Heather Brown
October 14, 2016

Assisted living facilities offer a magnitude of services to their residents on a daily basis. Residents rely on you to provide quality care and maintain their quality of life with activities and assistance with daily living. Along with their care, you undertake a great risk – the possibility of a lawsuit. Lawsuits are unpredictable. They ...

Residents Rights: Don’t Ignore Them!

By Heather Brown
September 23, 2016

The best assisted living facilities are owned and operated by dedicated administrators and caregivers. Creating a comfortable living environment requires commitment, time, and knowledge. Every state has their own requirements and guidelines on how to properly start, manage, and provide for your residents. One of the common concepts in all states is your residents have ...

How to Handle the Death of a Resident

By Heather Brown
September 16, 2016

Administrators and caregivers in assisted living facilities will lose a resident to death at some point. Whether expected or not, death is difficult to manage. Depending on the type of resident you care for, death might occur frequently. It is important to provide help to other residents as well as your staff in these difficult ...

6 Ways to Help Residents Be Open to New Things

By Heather Brown
September 09, 2016

Individuals move into assisted living facilities to gain assistance with daily living activities while maintaining a quality of life they can be proud of. Moving and relocating is stressful for many residents. Some residents will embrace their new home and try new things – meal options, communicating with others or new activities. Others will shy ...

6 Steps to Fire Safety Training in Your Adult Residential Care Facility

By Heather Brown
September 02, 2016

Fires are unpredictable and occur in the blink of an eye. Common fire starters include faulty wiring, wildfires, and human error. When they happen – they bring destruction, stress, chaos, and sometimes injury and death. According to FEMA, older adults are 2.5 times more likely to die as a result of a fire than other ...